Caves & Grottos

Anyone that’s experienced the full effect of a mid-August solar blast in Texas or South Florida knows that sometimes it’s nice to catch a break and get some shade.

Considering Caves and Grottos

Swimming pool caves or, more commonly, grotto designs are a great way to create that space when the mid-day sun is at its fullest. And a grotto at night is an intimate hang out that can have a little lighting feature quickly turned on by your app., or turned off for a very personal effect.

Thinking of a cave or grotto usually brings to mind a natural or freeform design, but there is such a thing as a formal grotto. The difference is that a formal grotto is built up with walls and a rectangular capstone vs. a natural look of a rock grotto. Formal grotto designs add elegance and deliver the same hideaway feel like their natural counterparts but require even more precision to balance the capstone when a waterfall effect is added to the scene. The water descent over your capstone is the perfect accessory to deliver a literal curtain of water in front of your grotto hideaway.

Build Your Caves or Grottos With Selah

Caves & grottos require careful design & engineering, including consideration of shadow falls during the day. Your Selah Design Consultant will be sure to guide you through the consideration of all the details and the features & options made possible when you add a cave or grotto to your amazing build.

Water Features Caves

Caves and Grottos Gallery
